De Photoshop a WordPress en cuestión de segundos, Divine


En el rinconcito de Diego Mattei me he encontrado la penúltima vuelta de tuerca que aparece en la red y que tiene como finalidad, reducir considerablemente el tiempo de desarrollo de un tema para WordPress.

Divine es un añadido para Photoshop que te permite «automatizar» el proceso de estructuración de tus temas, partiendo de un diseño que ya tengas hecho en Photoshop y que, evidentemente, esté preparado para funcionar como tal.

Vale, lo automatizado casi siempre no va a quedar tan impoluto como lo que puede salir metiendo la zarpa poco a poco, pero como digo siempre, se agradecen este tipo de iniciativas.

Lo mejor para que os quede más claro es echarle un ojo a toda la información que ponen en la web y probar la versión «demo» que ofrecen y que actualmente sólo está disponible para plataforma Windows. A mí me ha picado el gusanillo la verdad.

:: Divine [en] ::

  1. ostiaputa, eso tengo que probarlo esta tarde si puedo, tiene buena pinta pa torpes como yo

  2. Lastima que soy Blogger user ^^, pero no importa pienso aun así que esta herramienta es muy útil, porque aunque sea algo automatizado, puedes hacer lo «global» con este programa o plugin y luego afinar detalles manualmente… 🙂

  3. Thanks a lot for taking an interest in our software and contacting us as well.
    Unfortunately for now you can only use Divine under Windows. But the good news is that we are planning Mac version of Divine in future.
    For those of you who work with Windows, Divine will become a useful tool. Please visit our forum for more details about the product:

  4. Thank you for your comments and interest in Divine project.
    We are still trying our best on improving functionality of the plugin and have added plenty of new features, which haven’t been used in Free Edition, to Divine Personal one. The release of this edition will happen in the second quarter of 2010. The closed beta testing has already started. However, take it easy, the public beta version will be available soon. You’ll have a chance to get your hands on it. More details at our official site:
    By the way, be up on the plugin development at

  5. Today we are happy to announce about release of completely new web service called Ideastrunk created by Divine team for everyone: customers and developers to make a problem solving easier and quicker, to create high-quality products and implement new ideas with the help and advice of professionals. It’s friendly environment, and you can try it right now enjoying its advantages and possibilities.

    Why Ideastrunk? It offers you:

    1) An information and assistance resource.
    2) Total control for implementation or improvement of web projects.
    3) Time to focus on your core activity.
    4) All kind of support any time.
    5) Clients.

    So you need not go on surfing the Internet for a suitable, inexpensive, online service to find answers to questions appeared sometimes every day or even hour. Ideastrunk is really simple and free. More details at:

  6. Thank you for your interest in Divine project.

    With addition of unique features, and implementation of many suggestions of our users, the release date of Divine Elemente (formerly Divine Personal) will be announced this summer. New Name – New Possibilities.

    More details at our official website:

  7. Good news! Now you have a chance to try yourself in Divine Elemente Edition (formerly Divine Personal one). You’ll find new functionality of this edition testing all interesting features of Divine plugin.

    So, beta testing has already started. Want to join? More details at:

  8. Uno de los programas más fáciles para crear themes para WordPress es Artisteer, con él, en cuestión de minutos

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